mediabox.com is for sale
- 5 years ago
- After many years of holding onto this great domain name, we are selling it! We are hoping to capitalize in years of having used this valuable URL and we are asking readers and friends to please let anyone they think might be interested to know about the sale. A bit of a six degrees of separation if you will, from those who would really want to capitalize by buying this domain name ¬ We are doi[...]
Category archives: Web
Web site Design, Production and Management, Domain Name Registration and Management, Content Management Systems (CMS), E-commerce (e-stores), Blogs – WordPress and other popular Content Management Systems, Social Media Maintenance, Statistical Tracking and Evaluations, Search Engine Optimization, Technical strategic planning, Hosting, E-books, E-newsletters, HTML Email, Email Marketing Statistics and Analysis, Ads and Banners, Podcasting, Online Business Presentations, by MediaBox.
Founddesign Web
- 11 years ago
- Founddesign is a furniture store in Ottawa, carrying original mid-century modern furniture, objects & art, which carry items from manufacturers such as Knoll and Herman Miller, and designers ranging from Charles & Ray Eames to George Nelson and Arne Jacobsen ¬ The Web site, shown here in it's second iteration, was designed to reflect the style of the items they sell and the information Fou[...]
Senate of Canada
- 12 years ago
- This project required the design of several templates for Web pages for individual members of the Senate of Canada, as well as to create a custom Content Management System (CMS) which would allow fast and easy content updating ¬ The audience for the front end of the project, the Senators’ bilingual Web sites, is the Canadian public at large. The target audience for the “back end” CMS are S[...]
Drake Landing Web
- 12 years ago
- The Drake Landing Solar Community Website was designed to promote Canadian solar technology and to inform the public at large of the success of the project. With a varied audience — from engineers to homeowners — the design needed to be engaging for a non-technical audience and sufficiently rigorous and professional in it's technical pages ¬ With the key messages of lifestyle, sun and natu[...]